Public Art and Facade Improvements

Facade Grant Improvements

The North Carolina Main Street program has worked closely with UNCG’s Interior Architecture Department and its Center for Community-Engaged Design to provide design assistance to designated Main Street and Small Town Main Street communities across the state.  The Main Street Sylva Association was fortunate to be able to facade renderings as part of our 5-Year Mill Street Revitalization Plan.  We are so grateful to them for all of their hard work.

We were also able to partner with The Community Foundation of Western North Carolina and the Jackson County TDA to create a facade grant program for downtown Sylva.  The Community Foundation generously provided us with a $10,000 grant and the TDA provided a $20,000 grant to fund this year's program.  So far we have had 14 Letters of Interest, 7 Approved Applications and 4 Completed projects.    

To the right is a before and after photo of the Southern & Sunkissed building on Main Street.

Public Art

The Public Art Committee works to create murals, sculptures and other projects in downtown Sylva, and coordinates traveling art installations.  Private property owners often partner with the Main Street Sylva Association to coordinate all or part of their Public Art project, including concepts and feasibility, call for artists and artist selection, funding, implementation and promotion,

We are so thankful to the Town of Sylva for funding our flagship "Sylva Postcard" mural on the side of Ward's Plumbing, Heating and Air, the Jackson County Arts Council for funding the historic restoration in process of the Sylva Supply Mural on the Blue Ridge Bootleg Coffee building, and many private property owners for funding the amazing projects you see in downtown Sylva.   We appreciate the many volunteers involved in this process, and notably Sylva Pride, who created the "You Belong Here" mural facing Bridge Park.
Project Funders

We are so thankful to our partners who generously provide funding in order to improve downtown Sylva!